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About Me

I'm a brand strategist. I am a creator, I am a businessperson, I am a sports fan - nay, I am a sport business fanatic and marketer.

In my career, I've cultivated strategic, creative, and analytical thinking capabilities at top-tier, global brands to help maximize their community impact, expand and innovate partnership activations, and strengthen brand identity and loyalty.

"What is your super power?" some interviewers have asked. Here, I'll say this:

I see the bigger picture. Then, I employ data to validate its existence, build a team with the right people in the right seats on the bus, roll up my sleeves, and get into the nitty gritty. The result is execution with quality - even on compressed timelines and tight budgets.

I learn and ask questions. What I lack in experience, I make up for in intrinsic motivation to expand my knowledge and acquire new skills with speed and precision. 

I grow relationships by managing those I am given and forging new in any situation. Frequently, I think of myself as a connector. Being a connector results in cross-functional collaboration and well-rounded strategy. 

I can do gymnastics. And by that, I mean that I am flexible - mentally, of course. Will I be working with a team of junior employees or presenting to c-suite executives? Do you need someone to build a go-to-market strategy or someone to write briefs, source vendors, and be boots on the ground? Would you like to launch a digital product, generate a strategic partnership, or coordinate 1,000 employees to volunteer in local communities? Is our goal to generate revenue, drive engagement, or build goodwill through Social Responsibility? How about all three? In all of these scenarios, I have experience. My skill set has the ability to flex.

"What are some of your weaknesses?" My mom would say her backhand. I, however, have a one key area of growth.

Experience. Hear me out. Having spent my first two years out of college in an elite, two-year, accelerated-leadership, rotational program, I worked on four platform-level, high priority projects with executive visibility, received offers to join every group, and off-boarded from the program with a promotion. However, where some of my peers got two full years in same role, I received intensive stints through four departments. While this created space to learn how a global organization operates holistically and how to hone my flexibility, I was only in each of the departments for six months (with the exception of Marketing). 


"Outside of work, what's your life like? What do you do for fun?"

Now we're talking...


Pottery. Or ceramacizing as I like to call it. This subsect of my creativity deserves a special call out. For hours at a time, I lose myself in molding clay with messy hands. No phone, no distractions, just me building something beautiful (most of the time!).


Art. Medium doesn't matter. I will paint, build, or refurbish and I live in a constant cycle of doing all three.


Greenery. From a sustainability perspective and by way of cultivating my green thumb. Greenery, flowers, and nature, they bring life. And I spend quality time surrounding myself with more of it.


Tennis. My competitive nature was nurtured somewhere. And somewhere for me is on a tennis court weekly with my grandfather... who beat me consistently until he was 80.

With that I say thank you sticking around up to now.

From here I hope to leave with a smile on your face and intrigued to learn more. I look forward to being in touch.

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